Some folks have been looking for me. You surprise me, remembering after a year.
So as a note, in August of this year (2018) the URL for will expire. This site is hosted on blogger and therefore will still be accessible indefinitely at As should be evident from no content during Legion, I purposefully dashed under the radar.
You may know I started for Legion instead, as a less personal endeavour aiming for the larger hunter community. This was quickly impossible for me to do, due to several unpredictable events including major health issues. These also impacted my ability to play, more or less permanently, and I made the decision to fade into the background and let new torches take more prominent reins instead. It didn't seem fair to anybody else and I didn't want to build something up just to have to abandon it later. At the very least, it let Legion SimulationCraft modules get up in time for launch, which is now under new hands and set for BfA. Make sure to help them bug hunt when relevant.
Despite this I continued to raid with Might through Legion (including a period where I very much probably should not have been) and intend to continue as long as able or am not holding things back. Throughout Legion we maintained our top over World 100 rankings. This was [mostly] archived on the YouTube channel here. It's almost better because you can see me do tons of dumb shit thanks to my messed up arm like this. Plus side though, I managed to aim my disengage the right direction.
Twitch is still at this address here, but should be streamed to both channels.
Twitch is still at this address here, but should be streamed to both channels.
Theoretically, BfA should be the same and Might's goals remain the same. But I'm not sure I'll return to being externally involved. In addition, Jade's Forest doesn't wholly make sense anymore this far away from Mists of Pandaria. You either can or can't play, it's what it is. We'll see.
Unfortunately, despite having BfA since early alpha, I was unable to contribute outside of in-game or direct-to-blizzard. But I'll leave you with this: Dinosaurs. It must be good. Also I can't BELIEVE they tried to have Marksmanship's AoE tied to a debuff instead of a buff, that was MADNESS [I leveled two alpha hunters; the first set was ... Uh, unpolished].
My short impression of Hunter for BfA:
- Beast Mastery is mostly the same as Legion, with Dire Frenzy now built into the spec as Barbed Shot. It's pretty good and versatile. Somehow it's now the most complex hunter spec. Not sure if yikes.
- Marksmanship is in limbo. It will be fairly straightforward. It's OK. Arcane Shot is back to its former glory and no longer a builder.
- Survival is the Green Lantern.
My short impression of Hunter for BfA:
- Beast Mastery is mostly the same as Legion, with Dire Frenzy now built into the spec as Barbed Shot. It's pretty good and versatile. Somehow it's now the most complex hunter spec. Not sure if yikes.
- Marksmanship is in limbo. It will be fairly straightforward. It's OK. Arcane Shot is back to its former glory and no longer a builder.
- Survival is the Green Lantern.
My BattleNet is Nakauri#1100. Discord Nakauri#7249. If you can't find me on those, I ded.
Also Might is recruiting hunters for BfA. One spot is entirely open, another is mine open for tentative replacement. Be more useful than me and it's yours!
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